"Happy Melancholic Kid" is an episodic exploration based game being made in RPGMaker VC Ace. Each episode will revolve around a different character, so there will be more than one protagonist. The first episode will contain futuristic themes, city life, and what makes a person feel "alive." The plot in these games will also be straight-forward, but if you don't take the time to explore the whole city, you could miss some important details. There are two ways to play the first game: casual and curious.
Sunny Saturday is the sixth android in the NAN.AI.IRO System to be made by the ingenious Professor Amita. Once she is booted up, she is given a task by the professor to learn about the many diferent emotions both humans and nonhumans share. However, she won't be alone on her mission. Join Saturday and her two siblings as they wander throughout the "city that never sleeps," and meet new and mysterious faces along the way!